Discover The Phoenix Region Magazine #15-1 (December 2024 - February 2025)

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Why is this Supportive for My Well-Being?

Lauren has created retreats and one on one healing experiences

in Sedona for over 2,500 people all over the world. It is her great

passion to build experiences that people might not otherwise give

themselves with the level of expertise, care, and compassion that

she employs from.

As a teacher, facilitator, guide, and leader in the community, Lauren

brings in the most skilled professionals to create magical and

memorable experiences for people of all ages and backgrounds.

She creates a space of safety, comfort, passion, and FUN for


Why Custom Retreats?

Rediscover Retreats are designed for individuals and groups to

experience themselves in their highest joy, authenticity, and to

rediscover their own unique and innate wisdom. The focus of the

retreats center around connecting people back into living the

life of their truest desires. Through this retreat experience, people

step away from the ordinary and live into their innate extraordinary


With Lauren’s assistance groups select the modalities, sessions,

and experiences that they see most beneficial. These retreats allow

people to build a retreat that feels individualized and supportive

of their personal goals, passions, and desires.

Phone: (708) 710-0605


Learn more about our offerings & retreats:

Light of


Lauren’s Rediscovery retreat was

MAGIC. Lauren held a beautiful

sacred container for love, joy and

connection. I came home with

renewed energy, new friendships,

and felt more deeply connected

to my spirit. I also had a dramatic

improvement in my foot which was

healing from a previous injury! The

schedule had such a great balance of

time in nature, time in connection,

and also time to receive nourishing

treatments, reflect and integrate. I

highly recommend this experience.

It’s a sacred gift to give yourself :)

Dana - June 2021

If you’re lucky enough to be invited

to one of Lauren’s retreats, jump at

the opportunity! Her retreats are

filled with light, love, and hope!

Such an enriching, rejuvenating,

and delightful time! From the

accommodations to the delicious

organic food to the soul connections,

it’s truly a not-to-miss experience.

Cary R - Oct 2023

The women’s retreat in Sedona

was one of my favorite events I’ve

ever attended. It was super sweet,

empowering, uplifting, entertaining

and so nice to be surrounded by

positive feminine energy!

Danika - May 2023

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