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I’ve been to each and every location, plus all of the ones they
previously had in Jerome and Clarkdale, and can solidly vouch
for the consistently fantastic food and drink. The intentional
wines, meads, hard cider and sparkling wines are well-balanced
and delicious. The location menus are creatively crafted, and
headed up by Chef Chris Smith, Chef Brian Laughlin, Chef Ray
Ortiz, and Chef Brett Vibber. My favorite ATM is Chef Chris’s
Four 8 Fried Chicken with the sides of Fennel Slaw and Hush
Puppies. My favorite Tasting Room ‘hostess with the mostest’
is Lindy at Four 8 Wineworks. For those not catching it yet
- Arizona is the 48th State - thus, the Four 8. We will save
descriptives of the other chosen names, for another article.
When I write Keenan is homesteading, I mean for real.
A couple ‘for examples’: the duck eggs used to make the
pasta come from animals on their property, and the apples
in the scratch apple pie (my other favorite, it’s as big as
my face, is an MJK original, and only available at Queen
B Cafe) are from their orchards. As well, the coffee and
gelatos they serve are their own. Maynard’s wife, Jen, keeps
me straight on details, “We don’t grow the coffee beans,
but we do roast them in-house, personally by MJK when
he is not out on tour.” I mean, what doesn’t the man do?
The wine comes from their vineyards, and the grapes they
grow. Also, many of the vegetables and herbs are sourced
from their very own greenhouses and grounds.
Keenan was based in Los Angeles for a spell before he
moved to Jerome, “I moved to LA in ‘90, and ran screaming
in ‘95,” said Keenan in that same Fox 10 interview. When
he made his way to Jerome 30 years ago, he had an instant
connection, so strong it was a “no brainer” for him to open
his PO Box the very same day. Keenan is a multi-Grammy
winner, returning him to LA for stints, as well as his voracious
touring schedule, but his albums are mainly recorded in
DTPR MAGAZINE #15-2: March - April 2025
Photography by: Jim Louvau
Maynard J Keenan